Monday, November 20, 2006


Mondays. Who invented Mondays ? Why do we have Mondays ? Today is a typically quiet Monday.

Doggo looks quite lively this morning, which is a big change from the half dead creature that shared our bedroom last night. He is, however, still caked in mud. L takes him for a run and apparently he does drag his paws a bit.

In car. In queues.

Post Mortem on the fantasy isn't good. I took a battering. To make matters worse, for some reason neither Watford or Blackburn play next week. I have absolutely no idea why they aren't playing, assume it's purely to mess up our teams. Time to sell Pederson.

Dog class in the evening, Doggo performs quite well. L tries her hand at Pilates, whatever that is, but don't think she's too impressed.

We both feel we did quite well alcohol wise last week so will roll those unused units over to next weekend.

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